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A Message To Auto Accident Victims That Need To Get Out Of Pain And Get Their Lives Back.



You’re in pain.  Now, imagine recovering from an automobile accident injury without the use of addicting and harmful drugs or shots.  Now imagine getting your life back and being able to do the things you used to do.  If this sounds like you, Please read on.

  In each of us we possess an innate ability to heal our own bodies.  Its the same power that mends broken bones, heals cuts and strained muscles, and helps you recover from illness from viruses and bacteria.  By removing pressure from spinal nerves, many times our bodies can heal from a host of different ailments.

Unleash The Innate Healing Power Within Your Body
A natural method of healing for creating lasting impact in your life!

Congratulations and welcome! What would happen if, in the next few moments, you could learn about an ancient and simple form of healing that would allow you to regain your health and your vitality? Not only can you learn how to help your body heal naturally, but you can have the optimal health in your life that many have only dreamed about. It is a life you truly deserve. I have a deep respect for you, because by reading this, you are clearly demonstrating your individual commitment to helping your body heal and stay healthy naturally.

Since 1990, after being involved in a whiplash car accident myself, I have passionately dedicated my life to helping others live better lives through natural chiropractic care. In that time, I’ve synthesized some fundamental tools and strategies to help maximize and achieve my goals of educating my patients on the benefits of natural chiropractic care.
I have also come to realize that without our health, we have nothing. Money, prestige, power, none of it matters when you don’t have your health. The importance of our physical health is undeniable, and so as a patient, you will learn what more than twenty years has taught me – the basic principles of optimal health. My goal is to open your eyes and give you the opportunity to lean how to live at a level of optimal health, energy, and vitality.
Chiropractic Defined: Chiropractic is a health care discipline which emphasizes the inherent recuperative power of the body to heal itself without the use of drugs or surgery.  What is a Subluxation? In the simplest terms, a vertebral subluxation is when one or more of the bones of your spine move out of their normal position and create pressure on, or irritate spinal nerves. Any pressure or irritation of these spinal nerves causes a malfunction to occur and signals traveling out from those nerves are interfered with, or interrupted.
WARNING:  Be prepared to be laughed at.  Telling others you want to see a chiropractor may open you up for ridicule.  Even from your own doctor!  Whenever something is different than status quo people get scared.  There are two things that hold patients back from consulting with a chiropractor, fear and ignorance.  However, I believe there is always room in our lives for thinking bigger, not taking other’s word for it, and imagining a life without pain and having optimal health.
Remember this.  If your case is not appropriate for chiropractic, I will let you know.  I don’t want to waste your time and money if I can’t help you.
Do your homework and research the internet.  According to reviews on Yelp and Google and throughout the web, I am considered one of the top chiropractors in the Los Angeles area.  My reputation is important to me.  I will do whatever I can to help you get well and stay well.

I am truly excited and privileged to have this opportunity to share with you the best of what I have learned. Start your journey toward new vitality and optimal health by going to my website: Once you are confident that my office is right for you, schedule a one-on-one consultation with me. I’ll be sure to do my part by making your visit a life altering event you will never forget! Lets begin the process of becoming subluxation-free and getting your health and life back today. Go to

I look forward to meeting you soon.
Warmest regards,
David M. Salse, D.C.
President and CEO Salse Chiropractic Center Phone:      626-256-3422 Address:  694 W. Foothill Blvd. Monrovia, CA 91016